Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Interview medvedev
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Saturday, 20 August 2011
Erdoganow waad naga farxisay, ee allaha ka farxiyo
Anagoo ku hadlaya magaca jaaliyada Somaliyeed ee ku nool
wadanka Ingriiska qaasatan magalada Sheffield iyo keygaba, waxaan halkaan uga
hambalyeynaya Raisul wasaaraha dalka Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdoğan iyo
Shacab weynaha Turkigaba ficilka walaaltinimada ah ee u noo mujiyey haddi aan
somaali nahay. Tilaabadaan waa mid baal dahab ah ka galeysa taarikhda ummada
Soomaaliyeed abaalkeedana aan gudi doono.
Ahmed W. Abtidon (Ahmedgurey)
Waxaa hubaal ah in Raisulwasaare Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan u yahay halyey geesi ah oo
ummada Islaamka u soo baxay, taarikhduna ay xusi doonto.
Dalka Turkiga oo weligiba hugaamin jiray dunida Islaamka aya dib ugu soo
noqoday kaalintii hugaamineed ee u lahaa.
Ugu dambeyn Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wuxu muteystay in Taalo looga
dhiso magalada Muqdishu dadka soomaaliyeedna aysan weligood iloobin.
Waxaan raba inaan dareenkega ku mujiyo tixdaan oo u beeri hore nin Somali
ahi tiriyey.
- Bowdada
markii aan ka jabay iyo, boqonka taagiisa
- Habeenkiiba
way bidhan lahaa, bahalka cawlaaye
- Ragii
buurta dheer igala baxay, beerka ka ogsooni
- Ragii
baarqabyada ii qalqalay, beerka ka ogsooni
- Bah
Cilaamo goortay dhamaan, igu dul booyeysay
- Ba
Sadhaysan baga inay i tidhi, beerka ka ogsooni
- Ragii
Burunji inuu igu cuno, ii bariidinayay
- Ee
aan barkale ii tarayn, beerka ka ogsooni
- Ninkii
balad shisheeye iga jiray, soona bixi waayay
- Ee
in aan bogsado uun jeclaa, beerka ka ogsooni
- Laxaad
waa badhaadhee hadduu, ii bogsado xooggu
- Oo
biixiyaha Eebahay, kay isugu beego
- Abaal
badha, abaal bura, abaal bur iyo dheeraad ah
- Ninba
kiisa kaan ugu bedeli, beerka ka ogsooni
Gudoomiyaha Jaalliyada Soomaaliyeed ee magalada Sheffield
Friday, 12 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
Laws – Branches
Chapter One: Name – Goal – Center
Article I
The name of the [Somali Youth] Club
(SYC) will be changed to ’al-waHdat
Article II
The main center of ’al-waHdat will be
Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. The
center will relocate if another city becomes
the Somali capital.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 453
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Article III
’al-waHdat will establish branches in the
important towns throughout Somalia.
Article IV
Effective immediately, all [Somali Youth]
Club members will become members of
’al-waHdat . They will maintain their
original member number and continue to
carry their [SYC] identification cards until
’al-waHdat identification cards have been
Article V
The goals of ’al-waHdat are:
A. To unite all Somalis in general and
youth in particular and to reject all old
habits such as tribalism, sufi orders,
clanism and the like. ’al-waHdat will work
towards the good of the country. Somalis
must perform their obligations towards
themselves and towards civilization (’almadaniyyat).
B. To teach the youth modern sciences
through schools and weekly informational
sessions, including science, industry,
agriculture and languages. These [the
youth] should seek each other’s help in all
religious and worldly affairs.
C. To unite in rejecting, in a legal and
orderly manner, everything contrary to
Somali interests.
D. To teach10 the Somali language based
on the Somali writing system better known
as Osmanya.11
454 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article VI
The ’al-waHdat organization will consist
of the following:
A. The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) and Branches Committee
(lajnat ’al-furuu‘ )
B. The Appeals Committee (lajnat ’arruf‘
C. The Supreme Committee (lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) at the main center (i.e.,
headquarters) and the Branch Committees
(lajnat ’al-furuu‘) elsewhere [in the
D. The General Assembly (’ijtima‘
Article VII
The headquarters of the Higher
Administration (’al-’idaarat ’al-‘ulyaa)
will be the headquarters of ’al-waHdat in
Article VIII
The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) will consist of 13 members
in addition to two inspecting members
appointed by the administration itself,
which also prepares the list of candidates.
Candidates will be tested to see if they are
able to perform this job, and they will serve
for one year.
Article IX
Running ’al-waHdat business will be
conducted through voting; however, if
there is a tie, the side that the President
supports will prevail.15
Chapter Two: Structure and
Journal of Eastern African Studies 455
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The President of the General Committee
(’al-lajnat ’al-‘umuumiyyat) will be the
president of ’al-waHdat. The members of
the administration will elect from amongst
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The General Secretary
4. The Treasurer (’amiin ’aSSondouq)
5. Two financial supervisors
Article XI
A committee meeting will be held if
requested by the President, the Vice
President, the General Secretary, or onethird
of the administration members. All
members of the administration must attend.
Article XII
The administrative council (majlis ’al-
’idaarat) will meet once weekly. It will
also convene if there is a pressing need,
provided that an announcement is made
twelve hours in advance. In case of
urgency, the session may be held at any
Article XIII
The committee (’al-lajnat) may hold a
session if more than half the administration
members are in attendance. If this quorum
is not present, the session will be
Article XIV
The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) will issue all necessary
decisions with regard to ’al-waHdat
Article X
456 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article XV
Municipal committees (’al-lijaan ’albaladiyyat)
outside the capital city will be
branches of ’al-waHdat . Each committee
will consist of nine members who will
serve for a six month term, electing from
amongst themselves a Secretary who will
serves as the Branch Head and as the local
deputy of the ’al-waHdat President. He
can appoint16 an assistant or more from
among the administration members, yet
these choices must be approved by the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa).
Article XVI
The Appeals Committee (’al-lajnat ’arruf’aan)
will consist of seven members
elected from previous members.17 They
will be elected18 by the General Committee
(’al-lajnat al-‘umuumiyyat) from time to
time, and they will work at the main center
[in Mogadishu].
Article XVII
The regulations that apply to the General
Committee (’al-lajnat al-‘umuumiyyat) –
as listed in articles XI, XII, and XIII above –
will also apply to branch committees (’allijaan
’al-far‘iyyat), which can employ
these articles when needed.
Article XVIII
The Supreme Administration (’al-’idaarat
’al-‘ulyaa) will consist of the members of
the Central Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat).
They will have posts that
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The General Secretary
Journal of Eastern African Studies 457
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4. The General Treasurer (’amiin ’aSSonduuq
Article IXX
The Central Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat)
members are the governing
members of ’al-waHdat and they:
1. Are responsible for organizing all
issues that need to be discussed by
the Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat
2. Execute all decisions made by the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat)
3. Organize a weekly meeting to
spread knowledge and propaganda
among the headquarters members.
Article XX
In emergencies when the council of the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa)
cannot meet as prescribed in articles XI,
XII, and XIII of these laws, the Central
Administration (’al-’idaarat ’almarkaziyyat)
may take necessary measures.
It will decide what it believes needs to be
done and submit its recommendations to
the Supreme Committee (’al-lanat ’al-
Article XXI
The President, Vice President and the
General Secretary are mandated to speak to
third parties and appeal any rulings that
concern ’al-waHdat, yet they cannot make
binding decisions without Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa) approval.
Article XXII
Article XXI of this law also applies to
branch committees, and they should follow
it when necessary.
458 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article XXIII
’al-waHdat branches are the ones that are
present nationwide to execute the goals of
’al-waHdat . They also function as a means
of communication between the members
outside [the capital city] and the Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa).
The General Assembly
Article XXIV
The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) will consist of all ‘al-waHdat
members present in the main center –
Mogadishu – at the time of the meeting, as
well as all branch presidents, who must
attend. The meeting must be announced 15
days prior to the meeting.
Article XXV
Per regulations, the General Assembly (’al-
’ijtimaa‘ ’al-‘aamm) will convene once
every year. Nonetheless, the Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa) can call a
session whenever doing so may be deemed
necessary. If a [special] meeting is
necessary, it can be held even without the
attendance of the branch heads. Later, they
will be apprised about what took place in
the General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
Article XXVI
The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) council meeting may commence its
business if half of the members are present
at the main centers.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 459
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The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) will discuss all matters that
concern ’al-waHdat .
Chapter 3: Funds and Finance
Article XXVIII
Expenditures20 are the right/responsibility
of ’al-waHdat and are issued upon the
approval of the Higher Administration (’al-
’idaarat ’al-‘ulyaa). The treasurer can
deposit funds in ’al-waHdat bank accounts,
but he may not withdraw monies in excess
of 500 shillings without the endorsement of
the ’al-waHdat President.
Article XXVIV
Funds are the exclusive property of the ’alwaHdat
[organization]. No individual may
offer or lend them for any reason.
Article XXX
Financial supervisors will audit ’al-waHdat
ledgers and be responsible for submitting
to the Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) a monthly report about revenues
and expenditures.
Article XXXI
Supervisors elected from the administration
(’al-’idaarat) will receive salaries from ’alwaHdat
. They will be
entitled/empowered21 to discuss the
internal situation matters, such as
advertising materials and supervisory
Article XXXII
The Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) will prepare an annual report of all
financial balances and expenses, present it
Article XXVII
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to the General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm), and then distribute it to all branch
Article XXXIII
Branch secretariats (’al-sikriitaaryaat ’alfurou’)
will be responsible for collecting
participants’ monthly dues and issuing
receipts to them. They will also send to the
headquarters (markaz ’al-‘aamm) all
monies they collect, along with copies of
Article XXXIV
If branch heads need funds from their local
revenues, their requests must be approved
by the Higher Administration (’al-’idaarat
Chapter Four: Admission Laws and
Article XXXV
Admission to ’al-waHdat is open to all
Somalis or Africans who live in the land of
Somalia,22 according to the following rules:
1. They have reached the age of puberty,
i.e., 15 years
2. They are well behaved, of good morals,
and abstain from evil deeds
3. They cannot be participants in or
registered in any other organization
Article XXXVI
All those above sixty, whether Somali or
African, may not become members unless
they have previously served ’al-waHdat ,
and in that case they must bring their
Somali supervisor/sponsor or an’al-waHdat
member who knew him [during his
previous service].
Journal of Eastern African Studies 461
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Article XXXVII
All members will pay five shillings as soon
as they become members. The monthly due
is one shilling and members have to pay
three months dues in advance. If they enroll
during the first half of the month, they will
pay the full membership dues. If they
enroll during the second half of the month,
they will start paying their dues the next
Membership will be granted upon the
approval of either the General Secretary [of
’al-waHdat] alone, or those who represent
him in the branches, such as the local
presidents, provided that two other
members also recommend him.
Individuals who are questionable will need
a majority decision of the administration [if
in Mogadishu] or the branch council
committee [if outside of Mogadishu].
Article XXXIX
Those who, without an acceptable excuse,
do not pay their dues for six consecutive
months will be removed from membership
Article XXXX
Everyone who violates the rules or acts
against the goal of ’al-waHdat will be
reprimanded as follows:
1. Admonishment and censure by the
relevant/appropriate committee
2. A fine of up to 100 shillings23
3. Expulsion from’al-waHdat
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The first two penalties may be executed by
the local committee (’al-lajnat ’almaHaliyyat),
while expulsion needs a
13-member committee that will make a
recommendation to the main center to
expel him.
Article XXXXI
If one is expelled from ’al-waHdat and
then asks to return to active membership,
the Appeals Committee (lajnat ’ar-ruf’aan)
may or may not accept his return. If it
accepts, then the member has to pay five
shillings immediately. His situation will be
discussed only after one year and a half has
elapsed since his departure.
Article XXXXII
’al-waHdat members who leave voluntarily
and then apply in writing to return will pay
100 shillings and the application will be
considered only after one year of his
Any funds paid to ’al-waHdat may not be
refunded unless they are recorded in the
official register (’ad-diiwaan).
Article XXXXIV
If the General (’al-‘umuumiyyat) or the
local (’al-maHaliyyat) committee
(’idaarat)24 decides to expel a member or
fine him more than 50 shillings, he can file
a complaint in writing to the Appeals
Committee (lajnat ’ar-ruf’aan). The
committee ruling will be final and binding.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 463
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Article XXXXV
Those seeking membership must read and
understand all [the above] articles.
1. Geshekter, ‘‘Anti Colonialism and Class Formation,’’ 25.
2. Touval, Somali Nationalism, 61 2. Once the basic ideas of pan Somali nationalism were
planted, their growth was facilitated by at least two additional factors. The first is that
during WWII Somalis listened to Arabic language radio broadcasts from London calling
for Somalis to eject the Italians from Northeast Africa, fight against Fascism more
broadly, and thusly attain freedom. This propaganda resonated with southern Somalis
owing to the second factor, which is that Fascist rule was severe, relying on ‘‘forced labor
and a humiliating racial policy’’ (Touval, Somali Nationalism, 62), thus generating
profound bitterness. For more on Fascist Italian policies in Somalia, see Hess, Italian
Colonialism in Somalia.
3. See Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 521, who lists the age date range as 15 30; and Barnes,
‘‘The Somali Youth League,’’ 280, who, based on his extensive research in the Public
Records Office (PRO) archives, offers 18 32. Either way, the SYL’s change in age policy
perhaps resulted from the opposition of older men, who feared that the political party
threatened their authority in society; on this point, see Hanley, Warriors: Life and Death,
143 4. Also note Article 36 in the version of the Somali Youth League Constitution in this
4. Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 521. For an excellent overview of the SYL’s spread in the
Ogaden and a provocative analysis of how that expansion may have affected the
organization as a whole, see Barnes, ‘‘The Somali Youth League.’’
5. The unity of these five neighboring territories was famously symbolized in the five points
of the white star gracing the flag of the Republic of Somalia. The star itself was to
represent African freedom, and the light blue background to portray respect for both the
Somali sky and the United Nations, which assisted Somali efforts to attain independence.
6. Ethiopian Security Forces reported claims that SYL offices were opened in Nairobi and
Tanganyika. Hara¨rge´ Regional Archives, Security Forces Collection: Hara¨r Province/
Jijjiga Region, M1, #8/307, 26 Genbot 1939 (June 3, 1947); and Hara¨r File H 1 1 ‘‘About
the Gela¨b Organization (Meaning the Somali Organization),’’ Incomplete interview of
Haji Nur, document following his statement of 14.3.40 (November 24, 1947).
7. Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 523; and Lewis, A Modern History, 122. Barnes’s ‘‘The
Somali Youth League,’’ focusing on the Ogaden, provides the most detailed account of the
SYL’s spread anywhere, and addresses the dynamics of both inter governmental rivalries
and their interplay with various Somali clan and regional interests.
8. Barnes, ‘‘The Somali Youth League.’’ More generally, key published information is most
easily derived from: Lewis, ‘‘Modern Political Movements,’’ 244 61 and 344 63; Lewis,
A Pastoral Democracy, 266 96; Touval, Somali Nationalism; Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic’’;
Pankhurst, Ex Italian Somaliland, 175 84. Perhaps the most useful quick overview
may be gleaned from the most recent incarnation of Lewis, A Modern History, especially
chapters six and seven. Tantalizing details appear throughout Samatar and Samatar,
‘‘Somalis as Africa’s First Democrats,’’ esp. 8 33.
9. The term ’al waHdat comes from the Arabic verb waH Ha da which means to unite or to
unify, and among the meanings for the derived noun ’al waHdat is unity. Its usage in this
document is odd, since Arabic-language oral and written conventions since the 1940s have
commonly preferred waHdat ’ash Shabaab ’aS Soomaaliyy which is literally ‘‘Somali
Youth Unity.’’ The term ‘‘league’’ was usually translated as waHdat instead of raabiTat,
though in rare occasions ‘uSbat was used. In common parlance in the late 1940s and early
1950s, at least among Somalis with an Arabic education background, the standard
464 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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referent was waHdat ’ash Shabaab ’aS Soomaaliyy. Personal communication,
Mohammed al Hadi, March 8, 2010.
10. ’at ta‘allum (the learning): This is a common mistake among speakers of English and
other languages. In Arabic the ’iDaafat structure requires two nouns, the first of which
cannot accept the definite article. Since the equivalent in English starts with the definite
article, literal translation commonly leads to this syntactical error. This error recurs
frequently throughout this document.
11. On this indigenous script, also known as Far Soomaali, see Andrzejewski, ‘‘Language
Reform in Somalia,’’ 60. Andrzejewski cites Martino Mario Moreno, Il Somalo della
Somalia, Rome: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1955 (pp. 290 7).
12. The word appears to be derived from the Arabic root rafa‘a, none of whose meanings are
‘appeal.’ The contexts where the term is used supported our choice, which has been
confirmed as a Somali word that is still employed to mean ‘appeal.’ Personal
communication, Mohammed al Hadi, March 18, 2010.
13. The Arabic word ’al khaarij means ‘‘outside.’’ Since there is a Supreme Committee in the
main center, i.e., the capital city, it is assumed that this committee will be located outside
the capital, i.e., in other parts of the country.
14. The Arabic word jam‘iyyat would be a better choice in this context. But since it and
’ijtimaa‘ come from the same root, and owing to the generally problematic nature of this
document’s Arabic, we regard them as interchangeable.
15. The Arabic at the end of this section is unclear and confusing. It may imply that the
President should encourage more members to vote in party business.
16. The Arabic term is ‘‘elect.’’ However, since the subject in this sentence is the local deputy,
‘‘appoint’’ expresses a more accurate meaning.
17. It is not clear here whether the meaning is to previous SYC members, previous
administration members, previous Municipal Committee members, etc. Our impression
is that eligible persons will have been Club members for some time.
18. See note 16 above.
19. In Article X, the word used to describe this post is ’amiin ’aS-Sondonq. In this Article, the
document uses the word ’al ‘aamm (general) to modify the post.
20. The term taSarrufaat means ‘‘behaviors’’ or ‘‘manners.’’ In this context, we believe the
writer meant to use ’al maSruufaat meaning ‘‘expenditures.’’
21. The word as it stands in the original document has no meaning due to a possible
misspelling or other error. Our translation fits the context.
22. The wording here implies non-Somali Africans living in the five Somali-inhabited
territories comprising Greater Somalia.
23. Whenever the word ‘‘shilling’’ is used in the document, the numerical amount is written
calligraphically just below the term ‘‘shilling.’’
24. We opted to use the word ‘‘committee’’ for ’idaarat although it means ‘‘administration,’’
since this choice is more consistent with the administrative structure of the organization,
as described throughout the document.
25. Such sub article items are listed differently throughout the original document. Articles V,
VI, XXXV use letters (i.e., a, b, c) while Articles X XVIII, XIX, and XXXX use ordinals.
26. In the original document ‘‘twenty three’’ is written and the correct word ‘‘forty’’ is penned
in different handwriting above the error.
Andrzejewski, B.W. ‘‘Language Reform in Somalia and the Modernization of the Somali
Vocabulary.’’ Northeast African Studies 1 (1979 80): 59 71.
Barnes, Cedric. ‘‘The Somali Youth League, Ethiopian Somalis and the Greater Somalia Idea,
c. 1946 48.’’ Journal of Eastern African Studies 1 (2007): 277 91.
Castagno, A.A. ‘‘Somali Republic.’’ In Political Parties and National Integration in Tropical
Africa ed. James S. Coleman and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., 512 59. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1964.
Geshekter, C.harles L. ‘‘Anti Colonialism and Class Formation: the Eastern Horn of Africa
before 1950.’’ International Journal of African Historical Studies 18 (1985): 1 32.
Hanley, Gerald. Warriors: Life and Death among the Somalis. London: Eland, 1993.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 465
Downloaded by [] at 15:32 26 June 2011
Hara¨ rge´ Regional Archives. Security Forces Collection (Hara¨ r, Ethiopia). Records of the
Hara¨ r Province/Jijjiga Region. M1 and H 1 1.
Hess, Robert L. Italian Colonialism in Somalia. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,
Lewis, I.M. A Modern History of the Somali Nation and State in the Horn of Africa. Revised,
updated and expanded, 4th ed. Oxford: James Currey, 2002.
Lewis, I.M. ‘‘Modern Political Movements in Somaliland, I.’’ Africa XVIII (1958): 244 61.
Lewis, I.M. ‘‘Modern Political Movements in Somaliland, II.’’ Africa XVIII (1958): 344 63.
Lewis, I.M. A Pastoral Democracy: A Study of Pastoralism and Politics among the Northern
Somali of the Horn of Africa. London: International African Institute, 1961.
Pankhurst, E. Sylvia. Ex Italian Somaliland. Manchester: Percy Brothers Ltd, 1951.
Samatar, Abdi Ismail, and I. Samatar. Ahmed. ‘‘Somalis as Africa’s First Democrats: Premier
Abdirazak H. Hussein and President Aden A. Osman.’’ Bildhaan: An International Journal
of Somali Studies 2 (2002): 1 64.
Touval, Saadia. Somali Nationalism: International Politics and the Drive for Unity in the Horn
of Africa. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963.
466 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Chapter One: Name – Goal – Center
Article I
The name of the [Somali Youth] Club
(SYC) will be changed to ’al-waHdat
Article II
The main center of ’al-waHdat will be
Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. The
center will relocate if another city becomes
the Somali capital.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 453
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Article III
’al-waHdat will establish branches in the
important towns throughout Somalia.
Article IV
Effective immediately, all [Somali Youth]
Club members will become members of
’al-waHdat . They will maintain their
original member number and continue to
carry their [SYC] identification cards until
’al-waHdat identification cards have been
Article V
The goals of ’al-waHdat are:
A. To unite all Somalis in general and
youth in particular and to reject all old
habits such as tribalism, sufi orders,
clanism and the like. ’al-waHdat will work
towards the good of the country. Somalis
must perform their obligations towards
themselves and towards civilization (’almadaniyyat).
B. To teach the youth modern sciences
through schools and weekly informational
sessions, including science, industry,
agriculture and languages. These [the
youth] should seek each other’s help in all
religious and worldly affairs.
C. To unite in rejecting, in a legal and
orderly manner, everything contrary to
Somali interests.
D. To teach10 the Somali language based
on the Somali writing system better known
as Osmanya.11
454 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article VI
The ’al-waHdat organization will consist
of the following:
A. The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) and Branches Committee
(lajnat ’al-furuu‘ )
B. The Appeals Committee (lajnat ’arruf‘
C. The Supreme Committee (lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) at the main center (i.e.,
headquarters) and the Branch Committees
(lajnat ’al-furuu‘) elsewhere [in the
D. The General Assembly (’ijtima‘
Article VII
The headquarters of the Higher
Administration (’al-’idaarat ’al-‘ulyaa)
will be the headquarters of ’al-waHdat in
Article VIII
The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) will consist of 13 members
in addition to two inspecting members
appointed by the administration itself,
which also prepares the list of candidates.
Candidates will be tested to see if they are
able to perform this job, and they will serve
for one year.
Article IX
Running ’al-waHdat business will be
conducted through voting; however, if
there is a tie, the side that the President
supports will prevail.15
Chapter Two: Structure and
Journal of Eastern African Studies 455
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The President of the General Committee
(’al-lajnat ’al-‘umuumiyyat) will be the
president of ’al-waHdat. The members of
the administration will elect from amongst
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The General Secretary
4. The Treasurer (’amiin ’aSSondouq)
5. Two financial supervisors
Article XI
A committee meeting will be held if
requested by the President, the Vice
President, the General Secretary, or onethird
of the administration members. All
members of the administration must attend.
Article XII
The administrative council (majlis ’al-
’idaarat) will meet once weekly. It will
also convene if there is a pressing need,
provided that an announcement is made
twelve hours in advance. In case of
urgency, the session may be held at any
Article XIII
The committee (’al-lajnat) may hold a
session if more than half the administration
members are in attendance. If this quorum
is not present, the session will be
Article XIV
The General Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘umuumiyyat) will issue all necessary
decisions with regard to ’al-waHdat
Article X
456 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article XV
Municipal committees (’al-lijaan ’albaladiyyat)
outside the capital city will be
branches of ’al-waHdat . Each committee
will consist of nine members who will
serve for a six month term, electing from
amongst themselves a Secretary who will
serves as the Branch Head and as the local
deputy of the ’al-waHdat President. He
can appoint16 an assistant or more from
among the administration members, yet
these choices must be approved by the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa).
Article XVI
The Appeals Committee (’al-lajnat ’arruf’aan)
will consist of seven members
elected from previous members.17 They
will be elected18 by the General Committee
(’al-lajnat al-‘umuumiyyat) from time to
time, and they will work at the main center
[in Mogadishu].
Article XVII
The regulations that apply to the General
Committee (’al-lajnat al-‘umuumiyyat) –
as listed in articles XI, XII, and XIII above –
will also apply to branch committees (’allijaan
’al-far‘iyyat), which can employ
these articles when needed.
Article XVIII
The Supreme Administration (’al-’idaarat
’al-‘ulyaa) will consist of the members of
the Central Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat).
They will have posts that
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. The General Secretary
Journal of Eastern African Studies 457
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4. The General Treasurer (’amiin ’aSSonduuq
Article IXX
The Central Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat)
members are the governing
members of ’al-waHdat and they:
1. Are responsible for organizing all
issues that need to be discussed by
the Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat
2. Execute all decisions made by the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’almarkaziyyat)
3. Organize a weekly meeting to
spread knowledge and propaganda
among the headquarters members.
Article XX
In emergencies when the council of the
Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa)
cannot meet as prescribed in articles XI,
XII, and XIII of these laws, the Central
Administration (’al-’idaarat ’almarkaziyyat)
may take necessary measures.
It will decide what it believes needs to be
done and submit its recommendations to
the Supreme Committee (’al-lanat ’al-
Article XXI
The President, Vice President and the
General Secretary are mandated to speak to
third parties and appeal any rulings that
concern ’al-waHdat, yet they cannot make
binding decisions without Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa) approval.
Article XXII
Article XXI of this law also applies to
branch committees, and they should follow
it when necessary.
458 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Article XXIII
’al-waHdat branches are the ones that are
present nationwide to execute the goals of
’al-waHdat . They also function as a means
of communication between the members
outside [the capital city] and the Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa).
The General Assembly
Article XXIV
The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) will consist of all ‘al-waHdat
members present in the main center –
Mogadishu – at the time of the meeting, as
well as all branch presidents, who must
attend. The meeting must be announced 15
days prior to the meeting.
Article XXV
Per regulations, the General Assembly (’al-
’ijtimaa‘ ’al-‘aamm) will convene once
every year. Nonetheless, the Supreme
Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-‘ulyaa) can call a
session whenever doing so may be deemed
necessary. If a [special] meeting is
necessary, it can be held even without the
attendance of the branch heads. Later, they
will be apprised about what took place in
the General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
Article XXVI
The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) council meeting may commence its
business if half of the members are present
at the main centers.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 459
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The General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm) will discuss all matters that
concern ’al-waHdat .
Chapter 3: Funds and Finance
Article XXVIII
Expenditures20 are the right/responsibility
of ’al-waHdat and are issued upon the
approval of the Higher Administration (’al-
’idaarat ’al-‘ulyaa). The treasurer can
deposit funds in ’al-waHdat bank accounts,
but he may not withdraw monies in excess
of 500 shillings without the endorsement of
the ’al-waHdat President.
Article XXVIV
Funds are the exclusive property of the ’alwaHdat
[organization]. No individual may
offer or lend them for any reason.
Article XXX
Financial supervisors will audit ’al-waHdat
ledgers and be responsible for submitting
to the Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) a monthly report about revenues
and expenditures.
Article XXXI
Supervisors elected from the administration
(’al-’idaarat) will receive salaries from ’alwaHdat
. They will be
entitled/empowered21 to discuss the
internal situation matters, such as
advertising materials and supervisory
Article XXXII
The Supreme Committee (’al-lajnat ’al-
‘ulyaa) will prepare an annual report of all
financial balances and expenses, present it
Article XXVII
460 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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to the General Assembly (’al-’ijtimaa‘ ’al-
‘aamm), and then distribute it to all branch
Article XXXIII
Branch secretariats (’al-sikriitaaryaat ’alfurou’)
will be responsible for collecting
participants’ monthly dues and issuing
receipts to them. They will also send to the
headquarters (markaz ’al-‘aamm) all
monies they collect, along with copies of
Article XXXIV
If branch heads need funds from their local
revenues, their requests must be approved
by the Higher Administration (’al-’idaarat
Chapter Four: Admission Laws and
Article XXXV
Admission to ’al-waHdat is open to all
Somalis or Africans who live in the land of
Somalia,22 according to the following rules:
1. They have reached the age of puberty,
i.e., 15 years
2. They are well behaved, of good morals,
and abstain from evil deeds
3. They cannot be participants in or
registered in any other organization
Article XXXVI
All those above sixty, whether Somali or
African, may not become members unless
they have previously served ’al-waHdat ,
and in that case they must bring their
Somali supervisor/sponsor or an’al-waHdat
member who knew him [during his
previous service].
Journal of Eastern African Studies 461
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Article XXXVII
All members will pay five shillings as soon
as they become members. The monthly due
is one shilling and members have to pay
three months dues in advance. If they enroll
during the first half of the month, they will
pay the full membership dues. If they
enroll during the second half of the month,
they will start paying their dues the next
Membership will be granted upon the
approval of either the General Secretary [of
’al-waHdat] alone, or those who represent
him in the branches, such as the local
presidents, provided that two other
members also recommend him.
Individuals who are questionable will need
a majority decision of the administration [if
in Mogadishu] or the branch council
committee [if outside of Mogadishu].
Article XXXIX
Those who, without an acceptable excuse,
do not pay their dues for six consecutive
months will be removed from membership
Article XXXX
Everyone who violates the rules or acts
against the goal of ’al-waHdat will be
reprimanded as follows:
1. Admonishment and censure by the
relevant/appropriate committee
2. A fine of up to 100 shillings23
3. Expulsion from’al-waHdat
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The first two penalties may be executed by
the local committee (’al-lajnat ’almaHaliyyat),
while expulsion needs a
13-member committee that will make a
recommendation to the main center to
expel him.
Article XXXXI
If one is expelled from ’al-waHdat and
then asks to return to active membership,
the Appeals Committee (lajnat ’ar-ruf’aan)
may or may not accept his return. If it
accepts, then the member has to pay five
shillings immediately. His situation will be
discussed only after one year and a half has
elapsed since his departure.
Article XXXXII
’al-waHdat members who leave voluntarily
and then apply in writing to return will pay
100 shillings and the application will be
considered only after one year of his
Any funds paid to ’al-waHdat may not be
refunded unless they are recorded in the
official register (’ad-diiwaan).
Article XXXXIV
If the General (’al-‘umuumiyyat) or the
local (’al-maHaliyyat) committee
(’idaarat)24 decides to expel a member or
fine him more than 50 shillings, he can file
a complaint in writing to the Appeals
Committee (lajnat ’ar-ruf’aan). The
committee ruling will be final and binding.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 463
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Article XXXXV
Those seeking membership must read and
understand all [the above] articles.
1. Geshekter, ‘‘Anti Colonialism and Class Formation,’’ 25.
2. Touval, Somali Nationalism, 61 2. Once the basic ideas of pan Somali nationalism were
planted, their growth was facilitated by at least two additional factors. The first is that
during WWII Somalis listened to Arabic language radio broadcasts from London calling
for Somalis to eject the Italians from Northeast Africa, fight against Fascism more
broadly, and thusly attain freedom. This propaganda resonated with southern Somalis
owing to the second factor, which is that Fascist rule was severe, relying on ‘‘forced labor
and a humiliating racial policy’’ (Touval, Somali Nationalism, 62), thus generating
profound bitterness. For more on Fascist Italian policies in Somalia, see Hess, Italian
Colonialism in Somalia.
3. See Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 521, who lists the age date range as 15 30; and Barnes,
‘‘The Somali Youth League,’’ 280, who, based on his extensive research in the Public
Records Office (PRO) archives, offers 18 32. Either way, the SYL’s change in age policy
perhaps resulted from the opposition of older men, who feared that the political party
threatened their authority in society; on this point, see Hanley, Warriors: Life and Death,
143 4. Also note Article 36 in the version of the Somali Youth League Constitution in this
4. Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 521. For an excellent overview of the SYL’s spread in the
Ogaden and a provocative analysis of how that expansion may have affected the
organization as a whole, see Barnes, ‘‘The Somali Youth League.’’
5. The unity of these five neighboring territories was famously symbolized in the five points
of the white star gracing the flag of the Republic of Somalia. The star itself was to
represent African freedom, and the light blue background to portray respect for both the
Somali sky and the United Nations, which assisted Somali efforts to attain independence.
6. Ethiopian Security Forces reported claims that SYL offices were opened in Nairobi and
Tanganyika. Hara¨rge´ Regional Archives, Security Forces Collection: Hara¨r Province/
Jijjiga Region, M1, #8/307, 26 Genbot 1939 (June 3, 1947); and Hara¨r File H 1 1 ‘‘About
the Gela¨b Organization (Meaning the Somali Organization),’’ Incomplete interview of
Haji Nur, document following his statement of 14.3.40 (November 24, 1947).
7. Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic,’’ 523; and Lewis, A Modern History, 122. Barnes’s ‘‘The
Somali Youth League,’’ focusing on the Ogaden, provides the most detailed account of the
SYL’s spread anywhere, and addresses the dynamics of both inter governmental rivalries
and their interplay with various Somali clan and regional interests.
8. Barnes, ‘‘The Somali Youth League.’’ More generally, key published information is most
easily derived from: Lewis, ‘‘Modern Political Movements,’’ 244 61 and 344 63; Lewis,
A Pastoral Democracy, 266 96; Touval, Somali Nationalism; Castagno, ‘‘Somali Republic’’;
Pankhurst, Ex Italian Somaliland, 175 84. Perhaps the most useful quick overview
may be gleaned from the most recent incarnation of Lewis, A Modern History, especially
chapters six and seven. Tantalizing details appear throughout Samatar and Samatar,
‘‘Somalis as Africa’s First Democrats,’’ esp. 8 33.
9. The term ’al waHdat comes from the Arabic verb waH Ha da which means to unite or to
unify, and among the meanings for the derived noun ’al waHdat is unity. Its usage in this
document is odd, since Arabic-language oral and written conventions since the 1940s have
commonly preferred waHdat ’ash Shabaab ’aS Soomaaliyy which is literally ‘‘Somali
Youth Unity.’’ The term ‘‘league’’ was usually translated as waHdat instead of raabiTat,
though in rare occasions ‘uSbat was used. In common parlance in the late 1940s and early
1950s, at least among Somalis with an Arabic education background, the standard
464 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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referent was waHdat ’ash Shabaab ’aS Soomaaliyy. Personal communication,
Mohammed al Hadi, March 8, 2010.
10. ’at ta‘allum (the learning): This is a common mistake among speakers of English and
other languages. In Arabic the ’iDaafat structure requires two nouns, the first of which
cannot accept the definite article. Since the equivalent in English starts with the definite
article, literal translation commonly leads to this syntactical error. This error recurs
frequently throughout this document.
11. On this indigenous script, also known as Far Soomaali, see Andrzejewski, ‘‘Language
Reform in Somalia,’’ 60. Andrzejewski cites Martino Mario Moreno, Il Somalo della
Somalia, Rome: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1955 (pp. 290 7).
12. The word appears to be derived from the Arabic root rafa‘a, none of whose meanings are
‘appeal.’ The contexts where the term is used supported our choice, which has been
confirmed as a Somali word that is still employed to mean ‘appeal.’ Personal
communication, Mohammed al Hadi, March 18, 2010.
13. The Arabic word ’al khaarij means ‘‘outside.’’ Since there is a Supreme Committee in the
main center, i.e., the capital city, it is assumed that this committee will be located outside
the capital, i.e., in other parts of the country.
14. The Arabic word jam‘iyyat would be a better choice in this context. But since it and
’ijtimaa‘ come from the same root, and owing to the generally problematic nature of this
document’s Arabic, we regard them as interchangeable.
15. The Arabic at the end of this section is unclear and confusing. It may imply that the
President should encourage more members to vote in party business.
16. The Arabic term is ‘‘elect.’’ However, since the subject in this sentence is the local deputy,
‘‘appoint’’ expresses a more accurate meaning.
17. It is not clear here whether the meaning is to previous SYC members, previous
administration members, previous Municipal Committee members, etc. Our impression
is that eligible persons will have been Club members for some time.
18. See note 16 above.
19. In Article X, the word used to describe this post is ’amiin ’aS-Sondonq. In this Article, the
document uses the word ’al ‘aamm (general) to modify the post.
20. The term taSarrufaat means ‘‘behaviors’’ or ‘‘manners.’’ In this context, we believe the
writer meant to use ’al maSruufaat meaning ‘‘expenditures.’’
21. The word as it stands in the original document has no meaning due to a possible
misspelling or other error. Our translation fits the context.
22. The wording here implies non-Somali Africans living in the five Somali-inhabited
territories comprising Greater Somalia.
23. Whenever the word ‘‘shilling’’ is used in the document, the numerical amount is written
calligraphically just below the term ‘‘shilling.’’
24. We opted to use the word ‘‘committee’’ for ’idaarat although it means ‘‘administration,’’
since this choice is more consistent with the administrative structure of the organization,
as described throughout the document.
25. Such sub article items are listed differently throughout the original document. Articles V,
VI, XXXV use letters (i.e., a, b, c) while Articles X XVIII, XIX, and XXXX use ordinals.
26. In the original document ‘‘twenty three’’ is written and the correct word ‘‘forty’’ is penned
in different handwriting above the error.
Andrzejewski, B.W. ‘‘Language Reform in Somalia and the Modernization of the Somali
Vocabulary.’’ Northeast African Studies 1 (1979 80): 59 71.
Barnes, Cedric. ‘‘The Somali Youth League, Ethiopian Somalis and the Greater Somalia Idea,
c. 1946 48.’’ Journal of Eastern African Studies 1 (2007): 277 91.
Castagno, A.A. ‘‘Somali Republic.’’ In Political Parties and National Integration in Tropical
Africa ed. James S. Coleman and Carl G. Rosberg, Jr., 512 59. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1964.
Geshekter, C.harles L. ‘‘Anti Colonialism and Class Formation: the Eastern Horn of Africa
before 1950.’’ International Journal of African Historical Studies 18 (1985): 1 32.
Hanley, Gerald. Warriors: Life and Death among the Somalis. London: Eland, 1993.
Journal of Eastern African Studies 465
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Hara¨ rge´ Regional Archives. Security Forces Collection (Hara¨ r, Ethiopia). Records of the
Hara¨ r Province/Jijjiga Region. M1 and H 1 1.
Hess, Robert L. Italian Colonialism in Somalia. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,
Lewis, I.M. A Modern History of the Somali Nation and State in the Horn of Africa. Revised,
updated and expanded, 4th ed. Oxford: James Currey, 2002.
Lewis, I.M. ‘‘Modern Political Movements in Somaliland, I.’’ Africa XVIII (1958): 244 61.
Lewis, I.M. ‘‘Modern Political Movements in Somaliland, II.’’ Africa XVIII (1958): 344 63.
Lewis, I.M. A Pastoral Democracy: A Study of Pastoralism and Politics among the Northern
Somali of the Horn of Africa. London: International African Institute, 1961.
Pankhurst, E. Sylvia. Ex Italian Somaliland. Manchester: Percy Brothers Ltd, 1951.
Samatar, Abdi Ismail, and I. Samatar. Ahmed. ‘‘Somalis as Africa’s First Democrats: Premier
Abdirazak H. Hussein and President Aden A. Osman.’’ Bildhaan: An International Journal
of Somali Studies 2 (2002): 1 64.
Touval, Saadia. Somali Nationalism: International Politics and the Drive for Unity in the Horn
of Africa. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963.
466 G. Abuhakema and T. Carmichael
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Thursday, 23 June 2011
Huwaya huwaya hooyada majoogto
<iframe width="425" height="349"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Ein Mann beim Psychiater:
“Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor! Ich glaube, ich bin ein Auto. Brumm, brumm, brumm.” Der Arzt: “Machen Sie das noch mal.” – “Brumm, brumm, brumm.” – “Ich glaube, Ihr Vergaser ist verstopft!”
“Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor! Ich glaube, ich bin ein Auto. Brumm, brumm, brumm.” Der Arzt: “Machen Sie das noch mal.” – “Brumm, brumm, brumm.” – “Ich glaube, Ihr Vergaser ist verstopft!”
A man at the psychiatrist:
"Doctor, Doctor!I think I am a car.. Hum, hum, hum "The doctor said, 'Do that again" - "Hum, hum, hum" - "I think your carburetor is clogged"..!
Xog hoose oo aan ka
helnay madaxtoyada Muqdishu aya sheegaya in gudoomiyahu baarlamaanku Sharif
Hassan u rabbo in heshiiska golaha baarlamaanka la hor geeyo, si u udiido
dabadeedna arrintu isugu soo arruurto in
bisha August la qabto doolrashadii madaxweynaha iyo golaha baarlamaanka.
Xildhibaan goobjog ah aya wuxu yiri:
“Shariif Hassan ula jeedkiisa kaliyah ma aheyn in Xilka laga
Casilo Ra’isul Wasaarihii hore Farmaajo ee waxuu doonayaa in Heshiiska
Xildhibaanada aysan rabin ee Kampala lagu soo gaaray in ay diidaan
Xildhibaanada kadibna uu sheego in Doorasho la qabto taas uu doonayo in
Saxibkiis Shariif uu meesha ka saaro laakiin hada ayaa waaga u baryay wiishkana
ku yeeray Madaxweyne Shariif.
Warka oo dhan ka aqriso halkaan
Arrintu waxay hadda u muqataa in markii u taqalusay
raisulwasarihi, in u rabo madaxweynahana inu dabadhigo. (alles oder nichts) aya
la yiraah siyasadaas,
Taas oo mecnaheedu yahay ama aan wada hello ama aan wada
Waxaa murugo iyo
qoomamiyo, maanqashiyo ciil leh
- Maskax iyo
garaad iyo wixii, muruqba kaa liita
- Markuu adiga
sharaftaad mudnayd, kaa maroorsado e
Allow shacabkeena dhiigii iyo dhiranaantii iyo kartidiiba noogu soo celi.
Allow shacabkeena dhiigii iyo dhiranaantii iyo kartidiiba noogu soo celi.
Waa socotaa …La soco qaybta
asbuuca so socda: “col ku dhacyey oo tuugo ku cidamisay….
Soo booqo blogs ka: don’t
forget to rate it
Friday, 17 June 2011
<iframe width="200" height="200"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
UN to sack Ambassador Mahiga, but who will replace him?
The United Nations Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia Ambassador Augustine Mahiga will be sacked by the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, after the collapse of public confidence in his policy to Somalia.
Ban Ki-moon had learnt a quick lesson from the diplomatic failure and the growing public anger against his envoy, as he had made no progress on his work for the past 12 months in United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS).
UN sources say that the secretary-general will also to dismiss half of the senior officials from UN agencies including UNPOS, OCHA, UNDP, WHO, and UNICEF after the widespread political and financial corruption allegations.
Mahiga will probably be replaced by the Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the Nigerian veteran diplomat, who is currently the Special Adviser on the International Compact with Iraq and other issues for the Secretary-General of the United Nations as the sources indicate.
Former Nigerian Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gambari is a Muslim, who can fully understand the Muslim communities as he is now in Sudan, as Joint Special Representative of the African Union – United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).
Angry protesters burn Mahiga’s poster during protest demonstrations in Mogadishu, Nairobi, J’burg, Cairo, Sydney, London, Rome, Stockhlom, MN and Toronto on Friday and on Sunday loudly shouting ““The Somali people are against the so-called envoy. We call the secretary general of United Nations to fire him. We completely don’t recognize him.”
The reason why people of Somalia are frustrated and angry with – is that Mahiga’s apparent intervention in Somalia policy as he signed illegitimate “Kampala Accord” which says “Within 30-days of the signing of the agreement, the Prime Minister (Mohamed Abdullaahi Farmajo), will resign from his position; and the president will appoint a new Prime Minister” which is utterly unacceptable.
This is a clear intervention – diplomatic mistake from UN envoy and it is humiliation and disgrace of Somali sovereignty which is an independent nation in the horn of African continent.
But suffering Somali people in Mogadishu and the entire nation have answered this – saying “Farmajo is our Prime Minister, not the UN Prime Minister which Mahiga can dismiss, he is our healing hero and we are with him.”
Various political analysts believe that Mahiga and Ethiopia are the greatest obstacle to attaining and sustaining peace in Somalia.
No doubt that the man “Mahiga” who sits in the wooden office in the UN Compound at Nairobi-Kenya doesn’t want peace in Somalia, because his country of Tanzania and Somalia had no real diplomatic relations as it was deteriorated in 1972 and since that time the diplomacy between these African countries remains the same. Please see this
Sunday, 12 June 2011

Saturday, 11 June 2011
Anigoo ku hadlaya magacayga iyo kan jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee magalada Sheffield/UK ee Restore Hope Somali Community waxaan tacsi tiiraanyo leh u diraya dhamaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed guud ahan iyo gaar ahaan eheladisii wasiirkii arrimaha gudaha iyo abniga qaranka ee TFG da Marxuun Cabdishakuur Sh. Xassan Farax oo maantay gacan ka gardaran ku dishay Magalada Muqdishu. Marxunka oo ahaa nin aad qaali u ah, geesi wadaniyana ahaa waxaan illahay uga baryayaa inuu jannatul firdowsa ka waraabiyo. Waxaan xaaskiisi, caruurtiisi iyo eladisii, qaasatan Macalin Maxamud iyo Cabdullahi Macalin Maxamud oo goobta lagu dilay joogay illahay uga baryayaa in samir iyo iman ka siiyo.
Restore Hope Somali Community Sheffield/UK
Ahmed Warsame Abtidon
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Heshiiska Dhexmaray Madaxweynaha iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka (Aqri qodobada)
Go'aanada ay wada gaareen Madaxweynaha iyo gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo saameeyay xukuumada KMG ah ayaa waxa uu u qoran yahay sida hoos ku qoran.Iyagoo ka duulaya go'’aankii Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay iyo talo soo jeedintii Kooxda Xiriirka Caalamiga ah ee Soomaaliya ee ku aadanaa in ay hogaamiyayaasha Soomaalida islameeldhigaan sida loo dhamaynayo xiliga KMG ah islamarkaana ay ka heshiiyaan xiliga la qabanayo doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo kuxigeenadiisa ayaa Madaxweynaha Dawlada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka waxay kulamo socday maalmo ku yeesheen magaalada Kampala ee Dalka Uganda.
Kulankaan oo uu garwadeen ka ahaa madaxweyne Museveni uuna fudeeyey ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay soomaaliya u qaabilsan ambassador Mahiga ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray qodobo dhowr ah oo ay ugu miimsanyihiin;-
1- In doorashada Madaxweynaha, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo ku xigeenadiisa dib loo dhigo mudo sanad ah oo ka bilaabmaysa August 21, 2011.
2- In doorashada madaxweynaha, gudoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenadiisa la qabto ka hor bisha Agoosto 2012.
3- Iyadoo uu tixgelinayo baahida loo qabo habsami u socodka shaqada wanaagsan ee xukuumaddu hayso iyo in laga gudbo khilaafaadka soo dhexgalay Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumadda, waxaa raisulwasaaruhu go’aansaday in uu dalka gudihiisa shaqada iskaga casilo soddon maalmood gudohood.
4- Laga bilaabo maalinta heshiiska la saxiixo isla sodonkaa cisho gudahooda ayuu madaxweynuhu kusoo magacaabayaa ra’iisuwasaare cusub. Baarlamaanku wuxuu ballan qaaday in uu ansixiyo Raisulwasaaraha cusub iyo xukuumadiisaba afar iyo toban maalmood gudohooda markii loo soo gudbiyo.
5- Dhismaha golaha wasiirada waa in la tixgeliyaa qaabka 4.5 waa in lagu dhisaa ruux wadatashi ay is aaminaad ku dhisantahay oo ay madaxda hay’adaha dawladu yeeshaan iyadoo ay xadidayso shaqooyinka hayad walba ugu tilmaaman Axdiga ku meel gaarka ah. Wasiiradu waa in noqdaaan kuwo aqoon, khibarad iyo hufnaan leh.
6- In Baarlamaanka iyo xukuumada cusub ay ka wada shaqeeyaan sidii loo meelmarin lahaa waajibaadka marxalada KMG ah, kuwaasoo ay ugu horayso Nabadgelyada, dhamaystirka dastuurka, diyaarinta doorashooyinka, dib u habaynta Baarlamaanka iyo xoojinta xiriirinta siyaasadeed iyo wadashaqaynta dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ay wax ka go’aan.
7- In la dejiyo howlo qeexan, qorshe waqtiyeysan iyo waajibaad tilmaaman oo lagu dhamaystiro waajibaadka marxalada KMG ah.
8- In la abuuro jawi ay wadashaqayn iyo iskaashi ku yeeshaan Baarlamaanka iyo xukuumada i taas loo xaqiijiyana waa in la joojiyaa dagaalka warbaahinta waana in aan mudo sanad ah mooshino laga keeni Karin Madaxweynaha, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo ku xigeenadiisa.
Sidoo kale waa in xukuumada laga keeni Karin mooshin aan sabab iyo daliil xoog badan ku dhisnayn, kaasoo ay ku khilaafayso Axdiga KMG.
9- In lix bilood kadib dib u eegid lagu sameeyo bhawlaha Muasasaadka dawladda.
10- In madaxda gobolka (IGAD iyo EAC) ay dhisaan hay’ad siyaasadeed oo ay kala shaqayn doonaan UNPOS iyo AU taasoo dabagasha waxqabadka iyo meelmarinta hawlaha lagu heshiiyey. Nidaaamkan oo la mid ah kii laga hirgeliyey dawladda Burundi kii lagu nabadeeyey ayaa kor meeri doonaa cunaqabatayn iyo ciqaabna saari doonaa ciddii ka hor timaadda hergelinta heshiiskan.
Wasiirka Warfaafinta Boostada
iyo Isgaarsiinta.
qarankeenni qabyaalad aya baabi’isay (Part 1)
Waxaan rabaa qoraalkaan inaan ku darasno waxa la yirahdo Qabiilka (tribe) iyo qabyalada (tribalism) iyo aafooyinka qabyaladu leedahay iyo weliba sida ay qarankii u baabi’isay.
Eray bixin:
Qabiil: reero ama qoysas isku abtirsada iyo intii raacda si kastaba ha ku raacde ama dad danwadaag ah oo sidaas isku raacay.
1. a social group comprising
numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or
adopted strangers
2. a group
of persons having a common character, occupation, or interest
Qabyaalad: waa dareen amiinaad ah iyo daacadnimo qabiilka loo noqdo ayada oo dadka kale oo dhan laga koryeelayo lagana hormarinaayo gar iyo gardaroba.
Definition: trib·al·ism: noun \-bə-ˌli-zəm\
- Tribal consciousness and loyalty; especially: exaltation of the tribe above other groups,
- Strong in-group loyalty
Haddaan wax yar aan dib u
jaleecno berisamaadkii waagii aan dawlada dhexe lahayn aya waxaa caadi ahaa in
ninkii badiyaha ku wareera u yimaado casimada kadibna waqti yar ka dib la arkaa
asago xafiis fadhiya oo madax ah, ayado badan oo reer magaal ah oo wax bartay
ay subax walba u kalahan fisha labore ama xafiiska shaqada kana soo noqdaan
ayago fara maran. Waxa markii dambe dhacday oo la arkay rag aad u fara badan oo
aan magacooda qori karin oo agasimayaal ah, oo markii warqad loo keeno ku leh “war
aqri dee maxaa ku qoran” ama u dhiiba kuwa ka hooseeya si ay ugu aqriyaan.
Sababta maantay la isu amini
la’yahay aya waxay tahay in ninkii madax laga dhigo u wixii ummadda ka
dhexeeyey u reerkiisa keliya u gacan gelsho inta kalena ka omanaadaan.
Waxay manta tagantahay in
reer walba yirahdo jagooyinka waweyn ayan rabna haddi kale wiilasheenu shaqo
heli mayaan.
Qabyaaladu waxay hooyo iyo
Qabiil kastaa wuxu
aminsanyahay in u kuwa kale ka karaamo badanyahay, ka mudanyahay, ka tira
badanyahay, ka aqoon badanyahay, ka geesisanyahay, ka caqli badanyahay, ka diin
badanyahay, ka geel badanyahay, ka -------- waa socota
Waa socotaa …La soco qaybta asbuuca so socda: Soo booqo blogs ka: don’t forget to rate it
Wa billahi towfiiq
Waa Qalinkii Eng. Ahmedgurey W. Abtidon
Friday, 27 May 2011
Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question, "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?" "None," replied Johnny, "cause the rest would fly away." "Well, the answer is four," said the teacher, "but I like the way you're thinking."
Little Johnny says, "I have a question for you. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her cone, which one is married?"
"Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone."
"No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking."
Little Johnny says, "I have a question for you. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her cone, which one is married?"
"Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone."
"No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking."
Ma ogtahay inaan Amooraati kugu ahay?
Nin dhalinyara ah oo reer waaqooyi ah aya wuxu
ku noolaa magalada Muqdishu, xafada Casa Populare oo ah xafada aallaaba ay reer
waqqooyigu deganaayeen. Ninkan oo Jajuur lagu magacaabo aya wuxu farisan jiray
bibito ku taala manaboolyo, waxaana ka shaqeysa gabar reer Muqdishu ah oo qurux
badan. Gabadha waxaa la yirah Batuulo. Maalin walba wuxu ka soo lugeeya Casa Populare
si u gabadhaas u soo arko oo ula sheekeysto, lakin mar alla marka u gabadha
arko ayaa bahal xishood la yiraah illahay dul saara, wax kale iska daaye
indhaha xataa ma siin karo.
Maalin maalmaha kamid ah ayaa waxa u ka
ibsaday sigaar, dabadeed gabadhi ayaa baakidka sigaarka korkiisa ku qortay: “MA
gashtay ayu xafadiisi u lugeeyey, markii u xafada tegey ayu aqriyey wixi
bakidka ku qorna. Jajuur waa garan waayey waxa ay Batuulo ka wado kelmeda
AMOORAATI, lakin wuxu u mecneystay in ay ka wado ANTIPATHIC ama qof waji xun.
Jajuur bibitadii iyo batuulo dib ugma noqon madama erayadii Batuulo ku qortay
bakitka korkiisa ay ula ekaadeen in aysan Batuulo aragiisa jecleysan.
Markii ay Mudo sanad ku dhaw ka soo wareegtey
ayaa habeen habeenada kamid ah Jajur iyo dhalinyaro kale isla caweeyeen. Mid dhalinyaradii
kamid ah ayaa wuxu ka sheekeeyey film Qatar ah oo u habeenkii hore galay.
Markaas ayu wuxu yiri filmka amoorati a la jila noh, Jajuur ayaa la soo booday “war
amooratigu waa maxay”? Inta markiiba lagu qoslay aya lagu yiri, “amoore ma
kaseysid miya? Jaceyl waye noh.
Hal mar ayu Jajuur inta booday orod is dhigay
sidii wax waalan. Orodkii u ka bilaabay Casa Populare hal marna ma istaagin ila
iyo maanabolyo. Bibitadii u batuulo ku ogaa ayu tegey, nasib daro bibatadii way
xirneyd. Halkaas ayu asagoo madluun ah ka soo noqday, markii u guriga yimid ayu
bakidkii oo u safiitada geliyey ka soo bixiyey oo boorka ka jafay, dibna u
aqriyey kelmadihi oo sidii hore ka qurxoon. In kastoo Jajuur dhawr jeer ku
noqnoqday bibatadii Batuulo meel ay jaan iyo cirib dhigtay waa la waayey. Halkaas
ay Jajuur amoorihi ku waayey.
Just visit my blog:
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Dawlada ku meel gaarka ah ee
TFG da maxaa ka si ah, maxay tahay sabab ay qilaafaadkooda u xalin la’yihin.
Arrin lagu heshiin waayo
haddaad aragto labo ayey mid tahay:
Waa tan hore e mid ayaa
keenaya wax aan meesha ku jirin ama aan looga bahneeyn. ama wax meesha looga
bahanyahay ayaan la keeneyn.
Waxaa muqata in madaxda
dawlada ku meelgaarka ah iyo baarlamaanka ku meelgaarka ahi aysan fahmin
shaqada loo soo igmaday markii la sameynayey iyo awoodoodu inta ay la egtahay.
Hayaqdaha dawlada TFG da waa
ku meelgaar, waana dawlad dib u heshiisiin ee maha dawlad rasmi ah oo awood
dawladeed leh, taasi mecnaheedu waxaa weye, dawlada iyo baarlamaanka waxa loo
diray shaqo cayiman oo waqti cayiman leh.
Marka surta gal ma aha,
awoodna uma laha in ay waqti kororsadaan, ha ahaadeen barlamaanka ama
Sharif Hassan awood uma laha
in u gudiyo magacaabo sababta oo ah wixii loo diray ma aha in ay waqti
kororsadaan loogumana talo gelin. Baarlamaanka 500 ah waxaa loo sameeyey in
mushkilad lagu xaliyo si ay u diyaariyaan dastuur rasmi ah iyo doorashooyin, si
dawlad rasmi ah loo gaaro.
Haddaba waa in ay fahmaan
madaxda dawlada TFG du in ay awoodoodu xadidandahay oo aysan waxay rabaan
sameyn kain. Shaqada loo igmaday waa dib u heshisiin ee shaqadooda ha
Waxaa muuqata oo
nasiib daro ah in ummada degen kunfurta Soomaaliya ay tahay ummad dhinac kasta
ka goblanytay, aqligii bay ka goblantay, oo taladii bay ka goblantay oo
garashadii bay ka goblantay, oo diintii bay ka goblantay, oo dareenkii bay ka
goblantay oo hogaankii bay ka goblantay, oo xishoodkii bay ka goblantay, oo
dhaqankii bay ka goblantay, oo aqoonti bay ka goblantay,waa ummad mid mid
dhaama aan la arag. Maxa loo waayeyay mid maatadaan tabaaleysan ee saddexda
sanno geedaha hoosttoda ku baaba’day ka naxa.
Ninba baadida kula daydaya
daalna kaa badane,
Oo aan doonahayn inaad
heshaa, daa’in abidka e
Adkuna idin moodaya duul wada
socdo wax u dahsooneyne
shacabkeena dhiigii iyo dhiranaantii iyo kartidiiba noogu soo celi
Waa socotaa …La soco qaybta
asbuuca so socda: “col ku dhacyey oo tuugo ku cidamisay….
Soo booqo blogs ka: don’t
forget to rate it
Wa billahi towfiiq
Waa Qalinkii Eng. Ahmedgurey W. Abtidon
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Peinlich ............
Es war einmal ein Mann, der
unheimlich gern gekochte Bohnen aß. Er liebte
sie, aber leider hatten sie immer so eine unangenehme und irgendwie „lebendige“ Wirkung bei ihm. Eines Tages lernte er ein Mädchen kennen und verliebte sich in sie. Als sie dann später heiraten wollten, dachte er sich: „Sie wird mich niemals heiraten, wenn ich nicht damit aufhöre.“ Also zog er einen Schlussstrich und gab die Liebe zu den Bohnen auf. Kurz nach der Hochzeit, auf dem Heimweg, ging sein Auto plötzlich kaputt und weil sie weit draußen auf dem Land wohnten, rief er seine Frau an und sagte, dass er später komme, weil er laufen müsste. Als er dann so lief, kam er an ein Café, aus dem der unwiderstehliche Geruch von heißen Bohnen strömte. Weil er ja nun noch einige Meter zu laufen hatte, dachte er sich, dass die Wirkung der Bohnen bis nach Hause nachgelassen haben dürfte. Also ging er in das Café, und bestellte sich drei extra große Portionen Bohnen. Auf dem Heimweg furzte er ununterbrochen. Als er dann schließlich daheim ankam, fühlte er sich ziemlich sicher. Seine Frau erwartet ihn schon und wirkte ziemlich aufgeregt. „Liebling, ich habe für dich die beste Überraschung zum Abendessen vorbereitet!“ und band ihm ein Tuch vor die Augen. Dann führte sie ihn zu seinem Stuhl und er musste versprechen, nicht zu spicken. Plötzlich spürte er, wie sich langsam und unaufhaltsam ein gigantischer Furz in seinem Darm bildete. Glücklicherweise klingelte genau in diesem Moment das Telefon und seine Frau bat ihn, doch noch einen Moment zu warten. Als sie gegangen war, nütze er die Gelegenheit. Er verlagerte sein Gewicht auf das linke Bein und ließ es krachen. Es war nicht nur laut, sondern roch auch wie verfaulte Eier. Er konnte kaum noch atmen. Er ertastete sich seine Serviette und fächerte sich damit Luft zu. Er hatte sich kaum erholt, als sich eine zweite Katastrophe anbahnte. Wieder hob er sein Bein und fffffffrrrrrrrrrrttttttttt! Es hörte sich an wie ein startender Dieselmotor und roch noch schlimmer. Um nicht zu ersticken, fuchtelte er wild mir dem Armen, in der Hoffnung, der Gestank würde sich verziehen. Als sich wieder alles etwas beruhigt hatte, spürte auch schon erneut ein Unheil heraufziehen. Diesmal hob er sein anderes Bein und ließ den heißen, feuchten Dampf ab. Dieser Furz hätte eine Orden verdient! Die Fenster wackelten, das Geschirr auf dem Tisch klapperte und eine Minute später waren alle Blumen tot. Das ging die nächsten 10 Minuten so weiter und immer wieder lauschte er, ob seine Frau noch am Telefon sprach. Als er dann hörte, wie der Hörer aufgelegt wurde (was auch gleichzeitig das Ende seiner Einsamkeit und Freiheit bedeutete), legte er fein säuberlich die Serviette auf den Tisch und legte seine Hände darauf. So zufrieden lächelnd, war ein Sinnbild für die Unschuld, als seine Frau zurückkam. Sie entschuldigte sich, dass es so lang gedauert hatte und wollte wissen, ob er auch ja nicht gespickt hatte. Nachdem er ihr versichert hatte, dass er nicht gespickt hatte, entfernte sie die Augenbinde und rief: „Überraschung“! Zu seinem Entsetzen musste er feststellen, dass am Tisch noch zwölf Gäste saßen, die ihn entgeistert anstarrten.
sie, aber leider hatten sie immer so eine unangenehme und irgendwie „lebendige“ Wirkung bei ihm. Eines Tages lernte er ein Mädchen kennen und verliebte sich in sie. Als sie dann später heiraten wollten, dachte er sich: „Sie wird mich niemals heiraten, wenn ich nicht damit aufhöre.“ Also zog er einen Schlussstrich und gab die Liebe zu den Bohnen auf. Kurz nach der Hochzeit, auf dem Heimweg, ging sein Auto plötzlich kaputt und weil sie weit draußen auf dem Land wohnten, rief er seine Frau an und sagte, dass er später komme, weil er laufen müsste. Als er dann so lief, kam er an ein Café, aus dem der unwiderstehliche Geruch von heißen Bohnen strömte. Weil er ja nun noch einige Meter zu laufen hatte, dachte er sich, dass die Wirkung der Bohnen bis nach Hause nachgelassen haben dürfte. Also ging er in das Café, und bestellte sich drei extra große Portionen Bohnen. Auf dem Heimweg furzte er ununterbrochen. Als er dann schließlich daheim ankam, fühlte er sich ziemlich sicher. Seine Frau erwartet ihn schon und wirkte ziemlich aufgeregt. „Liebling, ich habe für dich die beste Überraschung zum Abendessen vorbereitet!“ und band ihm ein Tuch vor die Augen. Dann führte sie ihn zu seinem Stuhl und er musste versprechen, nicht zu spicken. Plötzlich spürte er, wie sich langsam und unaufhaltsam ein gigantischer Furz in seinem Darm bildete. Glücklicherweise klingelte genau in diesem Moment das Telefon und seine Frau bat ihn, doch noch einen Moment zu warten. Als sie gegangen war, nütze er die Gelegenheit. Er verlagerte sein Gewicht auf das linke Bein und ließ es krachen. Es war nicht nur laut, sondern roch auch wie verfaulte Eier. Er konnte kaum noch atmen. Er ertastete sich seine Serviette und fächerte sich damit Luft zu. Er hatte sich kaum erholt, als sich eine zweite Katastrophe anbahnte. Wieder hob er sein Bein und fffffffrrrrrrrrrrttttttttt! Es hörte sich an wie ein startender Dieselmotor und roch noch schlimmer. Um nicht zu ersticken, fuchtelte er wild mir dem Armen, in der Hoffnung, der Gestank würde sich verziehen. Als sich wieder alles etwas beruhigt hatte, spürte auch schon erneut ein Unheil heraufziehen. Diesmal hob er sein anderes Bein und ließ den heißen, feuchten Dampf ab. Dieser Furz hätte eine Orden verdient! Die Fenster wackelten, das Geschirr auf dem Tisch klapperte und eine Minute später waren alle Blumen tot. Das ging die nächsten 10 Minuten so weiter und immer wieder lauschte er, ob seine Frau noch am Telefon sprach. Als er dann hörte, wie der Hörer aufgelegt wurde (was auch gleichzeitig das Ende seiner Einsamkeit und Freiheit bedeutete), legte er fein säuberlich die Serviette auf den Tisch und legte seine Hände darauf. So zufrieden lächelnd, war ein Sinnbild für die Unschuld, als seine Frau zurückkam. Sie entschuldigte sich, dass es so lang gedauert hatte und wollte wissen, ob er auch ja nicht gespickt hatte. Nachdem er ihr versichert hatte, dass er nicht gespickt hatte, entfernte sie die Augenbinde und rief: „Überraschung“! Zu seinem Entsetzen musste er feststellen, dass am Tisch noch zwölf Gäste saßen, die ihn entgeistert anstarrten.
Got a real good joke (if it
reads for the first time)
There once was a man who ate just love baked beans. He loved
them, but unfortunately they had always had an unpleasant and somewhat lively reaction on him. One day he met a girl and fell in love with her. When she wanted to marry later, he thought to himself: ". You will never marry me unless I stop" So he drew a line and gave up the love for the beans. Shortly after the wedding, on the way home, his car broke down and since they lived far out in the country, he called his wife and said that he would come later, because he would run. On his way was, he came to a cafe, from which flowed the irresistible aroma of baked beans. Because he did have to walk a few yards, he thought that the effect is likely to have weakened the beans to home. So he went into the cafe, and ordered three extra large helpings of beans. On the way home he farted. When he arrived home he felt reasonably safe. His wife expected him and seemed somewhat excited. "Honey, I have prepared for you the best surprise for dinner!" And tied him a handkerchief to her eyes. Then she led him to his chair and made him promise not to peek. Suddenly he felt was slowly and inexorably a gigantic fart in his gut. Fortunately, rang exactly at that moment the phone and his wife asked him, but still waiting for a moment. When she was gone, he seized the opportunity. He shifted his weight to one leg and let it rip. It was not only loud, but smelled like rotten eggs. He could hardly breathe. He felt for his napkin and fanned the air. He had scarcely recovered, when another urge came on. He raised his leg and fffffffrrrrrrrrrrttttttttt! It sounded like a diesel engine revving and smelled worse. In order not to suffocate, he waved wildly to me the poor, in the hope that the smell would dissipate. When everything had calmed down a bit, felt even come up again a disaster. This time he lifted his other leg and let off the hot, moist air. This fart deserves a medal! The windows shook, the dishes on the table rattled and a minute later all the dead flowers the next 10 minutes went on and on and he always listened, even if his wife on the phone said. When he heard how the phone was hung up (which also meant the end of his loneliness and freedom) he neatly laid his napkin on the table and put his hands on it. So happy, smiling, a symbol of innocence when his wife had returned. She apologized that it took so long and wanted to know if he had not even packed. After he had assured her that he had not peeked, she removed the blindfold and said, "Surprise!" To his horror, he realized that sitting at the table for twelve guests stared at him aghast.
There once was a man who ate just love baked beans. He loved
them, but unfortunately they had always had an unpleasant and somewhat lively reaction on him. One day he met a girl and fell in love with her. When she wanted to marry later, he thought to himself: ". You will never marry me unless I stop" So he drew a line and gave up the love for the beans. Shortly after the wedding, on the way home, his car broke down and since they lived far out in the country, he called his wife and said that he would come later, because he would run. On his way was, he came to a cafe, from which flowed the irresistible aroma of baked beans. Because he did have to walk a few yards, he thought that the effect is likely to have weakened the beans to home. So he went into the cafe, and ordered three extra large helpings of beans. On the way home he farted. When he arrived home he felt reasonably safe. His wife expected him and seemed somewhat excited. "Honey, I have prepared for you the best surprise for dinner!" And tied him a handkerchief to her eyes. Then she led him to his chair and made him promise not to peek. Suddenly he felt was slowly and inexorably a gigantic fart in his gut. Fortunately, rang exactly at that moment the phone and his wife asked him, but still waiting for a moment. When she was gone, he seized the opportunity. He shifted his weight to one leg and let it rip. It was not only loud, but smelled like rotten eggs. He could hardly breathe. He felt for his napkin and fanned the air. He had scarcely recovered, when another urge came on. He raised his leg and fffffffrrrrrrrrrrttttttttt! It sounded like a diesel engine revving and smelled worse. In order not to suffocate, he waved wildly to me the poor, in the hope that the smell would dissipate. When everything had calmed down a bit, felt even come up again a disaster. This time he lifted his other leg and let off the hot, moist air. This fart deserves a medal! The windows shook, the dishes on the table rattled and a minute later all the dead flowers the next 10 minutes went on and on and he always listened, even if his wife on the phone said. When he heard how the phone was hung up (which also meant the end of his loneliness and freedom) he neatly laid his napkin on the table and put his hands on it. So happy, smiling, a symbol of innocence when his wife had returned. She apologized that it took so long and wanted to know if he had not even packed. After he had assured her that he had not peeked, she removed the blindfold and said, "Surprise!" To his horror, he realized that sitting at the table for twelve guests stared at him aghast.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Qolka waan fiiqayaa .....
Nin reer Xamar ah ayaa wuxu arrimo shaqo u tegay magalada Hargeysa.
Ninkii wuxu ku degey Hotel, isagoo kireystay muddo laba bilood ah, lacagtana wa u sii hormariyey.
Maalintii dambe aya waxa albaabka soo garaacday gabar ka shaqeysa Hotelka, markii u ka furay ayey waxay ku tiri “qolka ayaan fiiqayaye isga soo bax”.
Nin reer Xamar ah ayaa wuxu arrimo shaqo u tegay magalada Hargeysa.
Ninkii wuxu ku degey Hotel, isagoo kireystay muddo laba bilood ah, lacagtana wa u sii hormariyey.
Maalintii dambe aya waxa albaabka soo garaacday gabar ka shaqeysa Hotelka, markii u ka furay ayey waxay ku tiri “qolka ayaan fiiqayaye isga soo bax”.
Ninkii reer xamarka ahaa ayaa asagoo yaaban ku yiri, “abaay shactaro miya taas?
Asagoo ka wada ma ila kaftamee, markaas
ayey ugu jawaabtay, “weger war waxaad sheegeyso garan maaye qolka waan
fiiqayaaye soo bannee”
.Ninkii reer Xamarka ahaa oo yaaban aya ku yiri, “fiiri Abaay,
qolkaan laba bilood ayaan ijaarkiisa sii baxshay ee u kaadi intii lacagta aan
ka soo ceshanaayo, markaas fiiq aad tiriye fufuji haddii aad rabtid
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